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Our projects revolve around the following 4 axes:

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OMAD is committed to helping the Malagasy people of Madagascar. Our Education program is essential to those who need it most. The future of a country rests on future and current generations. Individual development contributing to collective development is based on each person's level of education.



Food insecurity is a persistent problem within Malagasy society.

OMAD is committed to using all its means to allow everyone to have 1 hot meal per day for each resident.

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Drinking water, a fundamental right for all human beings.

Alas, the observation is clear. Water is a rare resource for the population and the environment in Madagascar.



Development and health are closely linked, and progress in one can contribute positively to the other.

Due to a lack of resources, access and information, the average life expectancy of the population continues to decline over time. OMAD tries to limit this impact by already having one hot meal per day for each resident.

Stéthoscope De Soins De Santé à La Main Et Médecin Africain à L'hôpital Homme Noir Ou Trav

Vous pouvez appuyer nos projets en participant et/ou en soumettant un projet.

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